
회사소개 제품소개 HSE 품질경영 연구개발 사이버홍보실



창립 50년의 조선기자재업체의 선두기업 삼공사

Seawater Electrochlorination System

Electro-chlorination Plant functions are to prevent marine life accumulation by generating sodium hypochlorite(NaOCl) through direct seawater electrolysis and injecting it into Seawater intakes.

In case of sea water cooling system in power plant or industrial plants is used by seawater, it is necessary to disinfect seawater to prevent deposition of marine organism such as barnacle, sea mussel and other shellfishes in the seawater cooling system.

Typical Applications are at Power plant, Desalination plants, Off-shore platforms, LNG Terminal, Oil-gas installations, Ballast Water Management System, Wastewater plants, etc.

Seawater Electrochlorination System

주소 : 부산광역시 강서구 녹산산단 17로 135(송정동) 개인정보관리책임자 : 삼공사
전화번호 : 051.200.3040 팩스 : 051.200.3046
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PURIFIER 곽도성 책임 +82-51-200-3104 dskwak@sam-gong.co.kr
LADDER 김진송 책임 +82-51-200-3112 kjs2229@sam-gong.co.kr
WINDOW 이태연 책임 +82-51-200-3118 lty@sam-gong.co.kr
GANGWAY 박연희 책임 +82-51-200-3117 yhp@sam-gong.co.kr
QRH & DMIS 김민철 책임 +82-51-200-3166 kmc@sam-gong.co.kr
CATHODIC 해상 조홍수상무 +82-51-200-3123 hscho@sam-gong.co.kr
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